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Conveyancing Online - 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions

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We want to provide as much helpful and relevant advice as possible here at Move Home Faster, and we understand that using an online conveyancing service for the first time can leave some folks feeling nervous. Whilst we can tell you how great we are, it's our excellent customer reviews and depth of knowledge that really set us apart.

Conveyancing Online Questions

With this in mind, we wanted to research the most common questions people ask about online conveyancing, so we turned to our sales team and reviewed the metrics of our FAQs pages, to come up with this definitive list of the 10 questions people are most frequently asking us about online conveyancing.

1. How does online conveyancing work?

Online conveyancing works in much the same way as traditional high-street conveyancing. The process starts with you requesting an online conveyancing quote. You can discuss that quote with us or simply accept it and we'll instruct one of our expert conveyancing partners to look after you.

You'll have a point of contact just like you would with a high-street firm and the steps are essentially the same. The main difference is there won't be a need for any in-person meetings and running a more efficient conveyancing model is one of the factors that allows us to keep our prices so low.

2. Is online conveyancing safe and reliable?

Of course, we've all heard horror stories of online scams and we want to do our best to educate to help people avoid any potential pitfalls or dangers.

There are some basic due diligence steps that we'd recommend to help minimise any potential risk (discussed in more detail below), but generally, yes, online conveyancing is very safe.

For more information take a look at our blog is online conveyancing safe?

3. What are the advantages of online conveyancing?

There are many advantages to be had when choosing an online conveyancing service. Prices are often much more competitive as there are fewer overheads associated with running online services.

It's super quick and easy to get an online quote and the whole process can be generally quicker than traditional conveyancing.

Add to that, the fact that many fixed-fee services exist so you can clearly plan from the outset how much things will cost and you'll know exactly what you'll receive in return.

You will generally be given a point of contact and the ability to track your case too, all of which makes conveyancing online the perfect option for most buyers and sellers.

4. What are the disadvantages of online conveyancing?

The main disadvantages of online conveyancing are going to be similar to those associated with traditional services. You might find that the process is held up due to unforeseen complications or a sudden surge in demand due to a property industry boom, generally though, as long as you are dealing with a reputable company, there should be no inherent disadvantages of carrying out your conveyancing online.

5. How much does online conveyancing cost?

The cost of online conveyancing can vary greatly between providers. Typically you can expect to pay anything from the low to mid hundreds for this service, however, there are some situations where you could pay substantially more.

The complexity of your conveyancing needs could mean that additional work is needed in which case online conveyancing might need to charge more to cover the additional steps needed in your particular circumstances.

We'd always recommend ensuring you know your online conveyancing fee upfront and it's best to look for fixed-fee packages to ensure there are no nasty surprises further down the line.

Read more about the benefits of fixed-fee conveyancing.

6. What documents are required for online conveyancing?

The documents needed will depend on whether you're selling or purchasing or doing both. When you instruct your chosen conveyancing firm they will provide you with a full list of everything they will need.

Documents may typically include;

  • Property deeds
  • Mortgage details including the settlement statement
  • Any relevant planning permission forms
  • Fittings and contents form
  • Leasehold or freehold information
  • Proof of identity such as a valid UK passport

7. How long does online conveyancing take?

This is probably the question we get asked most, and in particular, whether it's possible to speed up the process. Although you can expect conveyancing to take around 10-12 weeks, that figure might be less or even considerably longer.

To find out more take a look at Is Fast Track Quick Home Conveyancing Possible? and How Can An Otherwise Fast Conveyancing Process Be Held Up?

8. Is online conveyancing available in my area?

Online conveyancing services are available all over the UK. That's one of the benefits of doing things online, you're no longer constrained to what's available in your local area! Instead, everything can be conducted with ease online, so your physical location doesn't make any difference.

9. What should I look for when choosing an online conveyancing service?

It's important to know you can trust the online conveyancer that you choose. A great starting point is checking for independent online reviews so Google the name of the conveyancing service and then add the word "review" or "independent reviews".

This should show you a website such as Trustpilot or similar that will list independently verified reviews from real customers.

Give the company a call or pop them over an email before you instruct them to see how quickly they respond and check their 'contact' and 'about us' information to ensure they are a UK-based, legitimate company.

10. Can I track the progress of my conveyancing online?

Absolutely you can check the progress of your online conveyancing. When you use a company like Move Home Faster you'll be provided with a contact and you'll be able to contact them by email or phone and they will of course keep you regularly updated on progress too.

If you have any more questions about conveyancing online we're happy to help! You can get in touch with us or take a look at all of our conveyancing FAQs here.
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