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Simple Tips To Help You Create A Cosy Autumn Home

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Living in harmony with the seasons is something many of us no longer do. Our working day is extended with artificial lighting, we're bound to a standard working day that doesn't necessarily work with our own circadian rhythm, let alone the seasons. We are cut off from the outside world in homes made of bricks, centrally heated, and often we might only notice the change in season based on the weather and our need to switch over from our summer wardrobe to our cosier autumn wardrobe.

It has been argued that this disconnection is one of the things contributing to a poorer sense of wellbeing, whilst spending more time outdoors and being more aware of the natural world produces measurable improvements in our physical and mental health.

The transition from the long and vitamin D-rich days of summer to shorter days and a decline in hours of daylight can have a negative impact on the way we feel, those with SAD (seasonal affective disorder) may even begin feeling a little anxious as we head towards winter. Embracing the change in season then is a great way to approach autumn with positivity.

Whether you're already living more harmoniously with the natural world and keenly welcoming and perhaps even celebrating the seasons, or you're simply looking for a way to make your home feel cosier and more welcoming as we ease into autumn, read on for some easy tips to help your home echo the autumn season.

Cosy Autumn home

Tips To Help You Create A Cosy Autumn Home

Embrace Warm Colours

You don't need to change the entire colour scheme of your home, but you might want to consider updating some of your soft furnishings to reflect the colours seen in the natural world at this time of year.

Think cushions and throws in deep oranges and dark red tones, golden yellow and earthy browns. Duvet and pillow sets are an inexpensive way to update a bedroom and instantly give the room a more season-appropriate feel.

Autumn Decorations

Autumnal decorations don't have to be costly or elaborate. Consider creating a door wreath, table centrepiece or garland for your mantelpiece. Colourful leaves, pinecones and foliage are perfect, if you're impatiently awaiting Halloween, why not add some little faux pumpkins?

Use scented candles with autumn fragrances like cinnamon, apple, pumpkin spice, or vanilla. These not only add a relaxed ambience but also fill your home with gorgeous seasonal scents that will instantly make you feel calm and cosy.

Cosy Layered Textiles

Now is a great time to change your light summer duvet for your heavier winter duvet. You can also swap over other textiles in your home and embrace cosy textures like brushed cotton, faux fur and warm cosy knitted or crochet throws.

Autumn Floral & Foliage Arrangements

We all love summer floral bouquets and whilst most flowers are available year-round due to supermarkets importing from growers overseas, at this time of year it's nice to embrace what's actually in season.

Consider dried flower arrangements that will last for many months, houseplants with deep green and dark red hues and bouquets. Foliage-filled centrepieces work well, and for a striking autumn flower arrangement, colour and texture are important things to consider and will allow you to get creative.

Autumn Treats

With harvest in mind, now is the time for reaping crops sewn earlier in the year, including that garden favourite of cooking apples, providing a great excuse to make some delicious bakes like apple crumble or apple and pear pies.

September is also a great time for grabbing the slow cooker and making warming favourites like casseroles made using home-grown courgettes, squash and leeks. The aromas alone will add to the autumn atmosphere!

Of course, if you're moving home and will be showing your house to potential buyers during autumn, you'll want to make sure the outside of your home looks inviting too. It's a great time to do any outstanding garden jobs whilst the weather is still on your side and before the first early frosts set in.

Remember that kerb appeal is extremely important at any time of year, so you'll want to make sure that the front of your home looks particularly inviting, you might want to ensure you're on top of those pesky weeds, keep on mowing the lawn and tidy up any early fallen leaves to make the best possible first impression.

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