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Tips To Help You Sell Your Home Faster

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Before the need for a conveyancing service, that crucial first step is making sure your home is in tip-top shape. This will give your home the best possible chance of appealing to buyers, helping you to receive that all-important offer as quickly as possible.

Sell your home faster tips

Tips to help you sell your home faster

When you’ve lived in your home for many years, it can be really easy to stop ‘seeing’ your home in the same way that others might; you know, all those little jobs that need doing and you never got round to? Like painting the skirting boards, dealing with scuffs on your walls, sanding down that patch of peeling paint on the front door…

Although they might not seem like much, to a prospective buyer it’s the little things that can often make or break your chances of getting an offer.

Prospective buyers will be hyper-vigilant when viewing a property and will be easily able to spot anything that’s less than perfect.  If you’ve let things slip, it could aid a negative perception and put potential buyers off.

To show your home in the best possible light, here are 5 tips for making sure your house is in great shape and ready for property viewings.

1. Deal with all those little jobs you’ve been putting off

Before the ‘For Sale’ sign even goes up, make a list of all those little jobs you’ve been putting off and set a couple of weekends aside to get them done. Clean skirting boards, paint walls, and replace that broken spotlight bulb. They might seem small and inconsequential, but if ignored they could make your home look un-cared for.

2. Do a deep clean of all bathrooms and your kitchen

Many modern family homes can have three or even more bathrooms, a kitchen and a utility room. A proper deep clean can take longer than you think, so make sure you set aside a weekend to do this before any scheduled viewings.

3. Tidy inside your storage space

Prospective buyers will want to open your wardrobe doors to see how much space there is, and seeing it full to bursting with clothes all over the place will tell them that there isn’t enough storage space.

If it’s all neat and tidy it will make a more positive impression. Have a good tidy inside your wardrobes and even inside kitchen cupboards and your airing cupboard etc. Store things you don’t use often in the garage or in the attic if necessary and remember that now is a great opportunity to declutter and you can even start the process of packing early too.

Buying moving boxes ahead of time and getting a head start on the laborious process will mean you have less to do when it's time to move and it can also make your house look tidier and more spacious too!

Decluttering home for sale

4. Declutter for a sense of space

Ornaments and nick-nacks are usually highly personal, and whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with showing your home to all its quirky best, you don’t want it so full of ‘stuff’ that the rooms look messy and crowded.

Too many belongings in a room can make it feel smaller than it really is too, so whilst there’s no need to turn your living room into a dull minimalist space, do be aware that it could be worth putting some ornaments into storage; particularly if you’re a hoarder or collector.

Take a look at our home decluttering tips here.

5. Tidy up outside

Your garden doesn’t need to be beautifully landscaped and a potential Chelsea Flower Show winner, but it does need to be neat and tidy. Overgrown borders and tall grass may make buyers feel like you don’t care about your home, which is a negative signal you don’t want to be sending!

Mow the grass, weed the borders and plant an inviting hanging basket beside the front door to create a positive first impression.

If you've done all of the above and are struggling to sell, or just need to get moving more quickly, you could consider using a service like we buy any home.

Neat tidy garden

We’ll get you moving

If you’re selling a property, have you considered using an online conveyancer? Move Home Faster can help you to get moving faster!


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