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Autumn & Winter Home Safety Tips for UK Homeowners

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As the warm and earthy tones of autumn begin to fade and leaves fall in greater quantities, UK homeowners are subject to not only cooler temperatures but increasingly short, dark days. As Autumn turns to winter, the weather continues to change bringing ever colder temperatures and the arrival of the first overnight frosts.

Whilst for some hunkering down into the gloaming of the season provides welcome relief of spending more time cosy indoors, the season is not without its own set of safety considerations.

We explore some essential autumn and winter home safety tips to help you and your family stay safe and enjoy the season to the fullest.

Winter home safety tips

Fire Safety

Did you know that your local fire service may offer free smoke detector checks? If you can't check them yourself, arranging a check if you've not had one in a while is highly recommended.

Check your smoke detectors to ensure that are in good working condition. Replace batteries if needed and test them regularly.

Similarly, if you have an open fireplace ensure you have it inspected and cleaned as necessary in line with your fireplace operating instructions.

Candles are a great way to create a lovely cosy feel on a dark winter evening, be mindful of the surfaces you place them on and keep them well away from anything that's flammable. Keep lit candles out of the reach of children and pets and be sure to extinguish them before leaving a room or going to bed.

Leaf Removal

Falling leaves may be beautiful, but they can also pose a safety hazard as they collect. Wet leaves on pathways and driveways can become slippery and accumulated leaves can block drains and gutters.

Keep paths, steps, gutters, drains and driveways clear of fallen leaves by regularly collecting them with a rake or leaf blower to prevent a buildup.

Be Storm Ready

Autumn and winter can often bring storms with heavy rain and strong winds. Being prepared for adverse weather conditions is crucial and 'battening down the hatches' is definitely worthwhile!

Any items that are permanently placed in your garden need to be secured, you'll also want to ensure that any covers you use to protect things like your barbecue or patio furniture are double-checked and fully secured.

Wheelie bins are also prone to falling over and lids flying open so you might want to secure the lids and when taken out, ensure you bring them in as soon as they are emptied to stop them from flying down the road.

Prune trees and shrubs to remove dead or overhanging branches that could potentially fall or cause damage during a storm.

Heating Maintenance

As temperatures drop, your heating system becomes essential for comfort. Ensure it's working efficiently and safely: If you haven't had one already this year, now is the time to schedule a professional boiler service to ensure it's in good working order and safe to use.

If you don't already have one, Install carbon monoxide detectors in key areas of your home and check their batteries regularly.

Winter is a lovely season to enjoy but it's important to prioritise safety. Following our home safety tips can reduce the risk of accidents, fires and weather-related issues, allowing you to enjoy the season with peace of mind.

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